contact us

You can now Book, Pay and Set up your bowling bowling before arrival!

choose your day and time, add on any arcade credit or lazer strike games,
pay online, fill in your names

you are set and ready to go!

BOOK & pay online

make an enquiry


Thank you for your booking enquiry

Please note that your booking is not confirmed until we have confirmed availability and details with you. We will be in touch shortly to finalise your booking.

Our team responds to emails Tuesday through Friday, and occasionally on weekends. If your enquiry is urgent or within the next 48 hours, please contact us at 04 568 3168 and mention that you have submitted an online enquiry to avoid duplication.

We typically respond within 24 hours, although our response times are usually much faster. Please note that emails received after 5pm on Fridays will be checked the following week, with the exception of Mondays.

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